Research Paper
Writing up a report, literature review or about your research in psychology is a time consuming process. I am currently working on papers that I started over 7 years ago. While that may not be the norm, it is not uncommon. So don't be discourage if writing up your semester or your year-long report is taking a lot of time. Since there are so many different ways we can write about psychology, I'm not providing as much detail here and just referring you to the following guides.
Guide to Writing a Research Report for Psychology
A short guide on writing in psychology from University of Portland
How to Win Acceptances by Psychology Journals: 21 Tips for Better Writing
Tips for publishing in a peer-reviewed journal, but helpful tips for college projects as well
A guide for senior thesis writing at Allegheny College
Detailed guide from former Swarthmore biologist
Detailed (and funny) guide from Florida Psychology professor. Follow the guide all the way through
Writing for psychology: A guide for psychology concentrators (A brief guide to writing the psychology paper)
An extensive guide from Harvard on the entire writing process. (but check out a brief guide for a summary)
Ten simple rules for structuring papers
An extensive guide on the entire writing process. Great for writing research reports!
Adam Ruben helps distinguish science writing from other types of writing.
Kevin Plaxco gives an overview of writing science.
The Scientific Paper Is Obsolete
Slowly scientists realize that the internet exists and papers transformed from paper to online hosting allows more than static content.
The needless complexity of academic writing
Science is full of jargon, a new movement strives for simplicity.
Brown, S.D., Furrow, D., Hill, D.F., Gable, J.C., Porter, L.P., & Jacobs, W.J. (2014). A duty to describe: Better the devil you know than the devil you don't. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 9(6), 626-640. DOI: 10.1177/1745691614551749
We developed the Replicability and MetaAnalytic Suitability Inventory (RAMSI) to evaluate the descriptive adequacy of a sample of studies taken from current psychological literature.
How to write a review article.
Clayton, V. (2015). The needless complexity of academic writing: A new movement strives for simplicity. Retrieved from
Kording, K.P. & Mensh, B. (2017). Ten simple rules for structuring papers. BioRxiv. doi:
Plaxco, K.W. (2010). The art of writing science. Protein Science, 19(12), 2261-2266.doi:
Purrington, C.B. Writing science papers. Retrieved from
Ruben, A. How to write like a scientist. Retrieved from
Schafer, M.S. Writing the research report. Retrieved from
Sommers, J. (2018). The scientific paper is obsolete: Here's what's next. Retrieved from
Sternberg, R.J. (1993). How to win acceptances by psychology journals: 21 tips for better writing. APS Observer. Washington, DC: Association for Psychological Science.
Department of Psychology Harvard University. Writing for psychology: A guide for psychology concentrators. Retrieved from
Harvard College Writing Center. A brief guide to writing the psychology paper. Retrieved from
Guide to Writing a Research Report for Psychology. Retrieved from
Writing in psychology. Retrieved from