Writing In Science by Jake Kurczek


Curriculum Vitae (CV) is just a fancy way to say resume in the context of higher education. It is prepared for job, school, and grant applications (or really anytime someone needs to have a summarized version of your qualifications). The CV conveys your personal and professional details. There is no best way to construct a CV (though many fields have semi-standard constructions), but we’ll outline some information to make the document clean, clear and the most helpful to you.

Category Resume CV
Length Short As long as it needs to be
Content All-inclusive summary of skills, experiences and education Area-specific listing of education and academic background
Purpose Get employment Detail qualifications


Before getting into other advice, I think of the "Cs"- Clear, Concise (but complete), consistent, and current - for your CV

Below you'll find a number of difference resources with advice. If you find conflicting advice across these resources, remember that there is no “right” way, just make sure to follow the “Cs” above and remember that the CV will just be one part of a package of materials any time that it is requested.

Dr. Karen of The Professor

How to Write a Curriculum Vitae

Illinois Graduate College Career Development

The Ohio State How to Guide

Converting your resume to a CV

Medical College of Wisconsin CV Samples


You can find an example CV here (.docx download). Remember that there is no agreed upon format to my knowledge. So use this and edit it to your liking. Its best to start with something clean and neat like this and then as you fill out the CV more, to add some more formatting.


Kelsky, K. (January 12, 2012). Dr. Karen’s rules of the academic CV. Retrieved from http://theprofessorisin.com/2012/01/12/dr-karens-rules-of-the-academic-cv/

Pomona College. How to Write a Curriculum Vitae. Retrieved from https://www.pomona.edu/administration/career-development/how-to/write-curriculum-vitae

Illinois Graduate College Career Development. Curriculum Vitae Tips and Samples Retrieved from http://www.grad.illinois.edu/sites/default/files/pdfs/cvsamples.pdf

The Ohio State College of Medicine. The CV. Retrieved from http://medicine.osu.edu/students/life/career_advising/pages/cv.aspx

Boston College Law Office of Career Services. (June, 2008). Converting your resume to a CV. Retrieved from https://www.bc.edu/content/dam/files/schools/law/pdf/CareerServicesDocuments/Converting%20a%20resume%20to%20a%20CV%206_08.pdf

Medical College of Wisconsin. CV Samples. Retrieved from http://www.mcw.edu/Medical-School/Current-Students/Academic-Support-Services/CV-Samples.htm