Statistics and Research Methods by Jake Kurczek

Statistics Introduction

Why statistics are necessary

Statistics is a set of tools used to organize and analyze data.
Employing statistics serves two purposes, (1) description and (2) prediction. Statistics are used to describe the characteristics of groups. These characteristics are referred to as variables. Data is gathered and recorded for each variable. Descriptive statistics can then be used to reveal the distribution of the data in each variable.
To be a scientist or to understand science, you need some understanding of the principles of experimental design, data collection, data presentation and data analysis.
This page has two aims, one to become familiar with R and RStudio and second to gain a basic understanding of statistical methods and principles.
Statistics allow a degree of objectivity to be incorporated into assertions.

This webpage has helper content across four different areas: Useful Links for Statistics, Issues in Statistics, Help with R and RStudio and Statistics Courses.